Free diesel for paddy farmers from today


The diesel stocks given to Sri Lanka by the Chinese government will be distributed free of charge to paddy farmers from today (09).

The Ministry of Agriculture says that at the request of the President, the Chinese government has donated a stock of 10.06 million liters of diesel for the people engaged in agriculture and fishing in this country.

The fuel has been distributed free of charge to the farmers who cultivate rice.

Commissioner General A.M. H. L. Mr. Abeyratne says that it is planned to give the fuel stock to each farmer through a special voucher online.

The voucher card was officially issued today at 11.00 am under the chairmanship of the Minister of Agriculture, Mr. Mahinda Amaraweera.

According to this, the fuel will be given to the farmers in the form of 15 liters of diesel for one hectare and 30 liters of diesel for 02 hectares for harvesting activities.