An expert discussion in Puttalam on the prevention of drug use and sale


A discussion was held on Friday (27) in Puttalam between security forces police officers and the Puttalam District Interfaith Committee on preventing the use and sale of drugs.

For this, Puttalam Deputy Inspector General of Police S. M. Y. Senaviratne, Superintendents of Police, Officers in charge of traffic sections, Puttalam District Interfaith Committee Religious Leaders, and Operational Committee Officers of Pallama, Kalpitiya, Karuwalagaswewa, Puttalam, Anamaduwa, Wanathavilluwa, Saliyawawa, Mundalama, Udappu, Mahakumbukkadawala, Norochchole and Nawagattegama areas, participated.

Representing Puttalam District Interfaith Committee, Ven. Buddhiyagama Rathana Thero, Kurukkal, Rev. Jeyaraj and Ratnamalar, and Mujeeb Mawlawi participated.

The decisions taken after this expert discussion are as follows:

Strengthening Village Security Committees

Continuous awareness programmes

Display of damage notices

Building relationships between the locals and the Police

Conducting progress review meetings once in three months