Erdogan says Turkey may accept Finland in NATO, but block Sweden


Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has suggested that Ankara may agree to Finland joining Nato, but not Sweden.

He criticised Sweden’s refusal to extradite dozens of people allegedly tied to Kurdish militant groups and other critics of his government.

“If you absolutely want to join Nato, you will return these terrorists to us,” said Mr Erdogan.

His comments come days after Turkey suspended talks to accept the two Nordic nations as members.

Turkey will freeze Finland and Sweden’s NATO membership bids if the Nordic countries do not keep promises on counter-terrorism made last month, President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday, adding he believed Sweden was “not showing a good image” for now.

Finland and Sweden applied for membership of the defence alliance in response to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, but were met with opposition from Turkey, which accused the Nordic countries of supporting groups it deems terrorists.